Sunday, May 06, 2012

Boudro's was Banging!

I've been back from my San Antonio weekend vacay for what, a week now? Yup.  So why am I still thinking about Boudro's? Cause it was banging!

Boudro's on the RiverWalk

Have I eaten out since being back? Nope.  I've tried, but people act soooo put out by special requests that I just end up walking out.  'Oh, I'm sorry.  Let me not bother you with my dietary needs'.  You've just lost a customer and a fat tip!

So back to Boudro's.  I think it's important to tell the story just in case other Celiac folks find themselves on the RiverWalk and want to know where to eat safely :)  Click here to see my post about Biga's, another great place.

After making it through Fiesta traffic (phew) we step into Boudro's, get seated and our waitress is Sarah.  A godsend.  This girl knew her stuff!  As soon as I went into the dreaded spiel about my needs she immediately put me at ease.  She went through the appetizers and salads to let me know what was safe for a Celiac and what was not. She also let me know she could do just about anything on the dinner menu with modifications.

First up: Table side fresh guac and chips.  Did I mention I love chips?  LOVE THEM.  My Mother is still confused about my crazy love for chips.  These chips are made solely from corn and the guac was amazing.  Who would of thunk to add a squeeze of fresh orange? Mmmm! Enough said.

Sarah whipping up some magic

Sarah suggested the Tomato Salad which was another hit. Yummy gorgonzola cheese, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, fresh basil and red bermuda onions.  I love tomatoes and I love onions.  

Yummo Tomato Salad

My weekend was not intended to be a seafood themed occasion. It's just that I ALWAYS eat chicken. All the time!  California seafood isn't always the best.  I mean-- it just can't hold a candle to Jersey Shore seafood. But that's just the truth my opinion.  With that said, I was pleasantly surprised by the  Texan seafood!

For dinner I ordered the Wood Grilled Atlantic Salmon.  Traditionally it comes with a creole mustard butter, garlic mashed potatoes and roasted veggies.  Now Sarah said something in there wasn't safe, (can't remember what) so if it was ok, she would modify it with other sides.  I have faith in you your thang girl!

Wood Grilled Atlantic Salmon~ modified.
Now the pic just doesn't do the meal justice. It smelled so good that I started eating before I remembered I now take pics of everything I eat (with weird looks from other patrons).  My substitutions were roasted potatoes, veggies and sauteed fresh spinach in garlic and lemon.  Very, very delish!  I couldn't even finish it there was so much food.  But not to fret - we have a food vacuum with us and he cleaned everyones plate!

Just as I was finishing up my Chopin and Tonic (my go-to drink) here comes Sarah, pointing out what I can have on the dessert menu. I don't usually order dessert.  I mean, who can when you have a husband that requests the check midway through eating the main course.  But Steve was home and holy guacamole they had G-Free Creme Brulee! My most favored dessert ever!  Again, I cracked into it before taking a pic.  Who could wait?! I ate half and gave the other half, reluctantly, to the vacuum.

Gluten Free Creme Brulee

Now, you'd think Creme Brulee would be safe.  There are minimal fresh ingredients.  But for some whack reason there are restaurants out there that add flour.  Big no-no.

I miss you Biga and Boudro's.  There's nothing better than a restaurant with knowledgeable staff, a fabulous Chef that cares about dietary restrictions and an all around place that pays attention to detail!

Now somebody give Sarah and the Chef a raise.  She's a ROCKSTAR!

Boudro's website is here and their guacamole recipe is here.  Feel safe and enjoy! (We felt so safe we went back the next day for lunch!)

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