Friday, April 13, 2012

There's an App for that...

So I download an app at the urging of my daughter called Gluten Free Registry.  It basically tells you which restaurants offer gluten free menu items according to your location.  Since we were venturing down to DSW for some shoe therapy,  I nervously used the app to find us dinner.  This place was
conveniently located in the same shopping center near UTC La Jolla.   

Z Pizza La Jolla

I reluctantly enter and ask about their gluten free pizza.  I begin my interrogation of "where do you prepare it;  what utensils do you use; where is the dough placed; where does it go in the oven; how do you avoid cross-contamination, yada yada yada."

Let me say this- the staff at Z Pizza were very patient.  I was acting like a paranoid gluten freak! Did ya not read my last post about Claim Jumper? See, I have reason to be! They quickly put my fears to rest.  First they wash their hands and put on gloves. They take the pre-made crust out of the back and begin to prepare your pie in an uncontaminated area.  It's placed in a metal dish and the toppings of your choice are put on.  When they transfer it to the oven they leave it inside the dish and place it off to the side.

When it was ready, the guy put on new gloves, removed it from the oven and placed it in a small box.  Since we were dining in, they brought it to our table. I looked at it in silence.  Looked at my daughter and looked back at the pizza. "What!" she says. Just eat it Mom."  Easy for you to say.

Here goes...

I took a bite, yum, and all went well! The pizza-maker-guy came by the table twice to ask how I felt.  How sweet.  I mean, do they ask ya how you feel at Domino's? Pizza Hut? Nope. I really liked this place.  I'm not a big pizza eater since I try to avoid carbs which is really a whole other talk show...or blog post :)  But when your kids are starving and you're trying to find something quick, this place will definitely be on my go-list.


babsgarza said...

I love u, Rox!! I'm not gluten intolerant, but I appreciate your blog as I have many students who are. I love your writing style and your comedy. You are still the shit, sister!

Roxanne said...

You're the best Barb! You Minx!