Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Cup of Pesky Weed Anyone?

I'm talking about Dandelions people.  Get your mind out of the co-op's.

Over the past week, my chore of scouring websites and blogs looking for a coffee alternative finally paid off.  I found one!   (Start Clapping!)  If you're curious why I can no longer drink java see my older post labeled, My Dearest Coffee

The company is called Teeccino and they're located in Santa Barbara so shipping was quick. They offer herbal coffee alternatives that are "roasted and ground to taste just like real coffee".

My package arrived and I never thought I would be so excited to have a drink of dandelion!  I took it to work today and received a few looks of desperation.  "Did you just say dandelion??"  "Uh, yes."  Their response (specifically Mrs. Willia) was "Okaaaay."   Yes, it sounds strange but it's like this- I can give up EVERYTHING, except coffee.

Here is the packaging.  Looks like coffee; smells like coffee (a bitter version); and tastes like, well...almost like coffee!  You can definitely taste the chicory which I'm perfectly ok with.  Hey--it's the best I'm getting at this point and it's taking the edge off (we all have our vice).

Since I don't want to deal with the tiniest bit of possible cross-contamination, I don't use my Keurig for it.  I guess I could use the one I have at work but then I'd have to bar my lovely co-workers Donna & Joyce from using it.  So I use a french press.  Here is a pic of the one I bought from Target.   It's by Bodum, it's a travel press and it gets the job done.

Seriously, it's not bad at all.  Even though every time I take a sip, I think of my Mom making me pull those pesky weeds out of the flower beds @109 when I was a kid.  Who would have ever thought that I'd be drinking them!  But, from what I've read they have great health benefits.

The only thing that's missing is the caffeine.  But that's Teeccino's purpose for making this product- to help people adjust from a non-caffeine acidic coffee lifestyle.  To wake me from zombieland I have a cup of the highly caffeinated Teavana Java Mate.  Then I have a cup of the dandelion roast.  I miss the taste of coffee more than the caffeine so it's all good.

If your curious about the price point, it isn't bad.  Same price as a lb. of coffee at Starbies.  Also--the dandelion roast is gluten free.  Their other 'coffees' contain barley which is a big no-no for Celiacs or those that are sensitive to gluten.

Cheers to a hot mug of dandelions!


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